Our beliefs

A brief description of our beliefs

Friends (Quakers) have no formal creed or required beliefs. Indeed, different Meetings may differ in ideas and actions. The most basic belief is in that of God in each individual, regardless of professed or non-professed religion. Penn Valley Friends also support the traditional Quaker ideas (called “testimonies”) of

  • Simplicity
  • Non-violence
  • Silent worship
  • Social action
  • Equality of race, class, gender, sexual orientation, and ethnicity

Spiritual and social concerns are the responsibility of the whole Meeting. Administrative duties are performed by a clerk, who is chosen annually from among the members of the Meeting. When there is disagreement, voting or majority rule is not appropriate since each person tries to speak in accord with the Light Within. The Meeting only takes action that is in keeping with the conscience of each person, either through that person’s agreement or willingness to stand aside.

For more information:

Please visit other areas of this web site.

Information on the Religious Society of Friends can be found at Quaker.org and the FGC’s The Quaker Way

If you want more information about our meeting, email the clerk of the meeting Angelika Shafer (jshafer0562@msn.com).

If you are looking for a pastored Friends church, please visit Willow Creek Friends Church in south Kansas City.

We look forward to meeting you soon!